The coworking community app for the purpose driven
The coworking community app for the purpose driven
Meet your next cofounder, investor, business partner, customer, team, mentor & friend
Your Dynamic Office, Delivered
Delivering your branded HQ or flex offices
Tap into dozens of the best coworking locations across our network by the the hour, day or longer.
The Brave Community App gives you access to our exclusive curation of
premium coworking spaces vetted and endorsed by us.
CEO of Corporate Peaks Group
Founder of Curaty
Cofounder of Big Growth Group
Cofounder of Big Growth Group
Founder of tutti and SuperScout
Founder of Studio Williams
Founder of DRGNFLY Productions
Growth Consultant
Co-Director of We Have A Meeting
We believe entrepreneurs can have an incredible impact on the world.
So our mission is to curate ecosystems that empower the entrepreneurial mindset to thrive, grow and succeed.
Tap into our community to get ahead,
and together we can improve the world.
In a world characterized by convention and conformity, our podcast "The Misfits Mindset" pays tribute to the trailblazers, visionaries, and brave souls relentlessly pursuing a better world.
Misfits Mindset features Founders ranging from scaleup companies who have raised millions, those who have bootstrapped their way to success, and some with multiple exits.
“Misfits Mindset" goes beyond the surface. It confronts tough decisions, cultivates emotional intelligence, and emphasizes the true essence of leadership. It fosters cultures of progress, where humanity, purpose, and values are at the forefront.
Brave puts people, purpose and values at the centre of our universe.
We are a values-led hospitality company with a branded suite of services
which attracts members and partners who are aligned with our vision of the future.
We believe in respecting differences and collaborating to create a better world:
One that is Respectful, Peaceful, Empathetic, Inclusive, and Happier.
We imagine a world where people align their life's purpose with their work,
leaders motivate versus mandate,
and companies empower their team's with autonomy and choice.
Our mission is to inspire positive company culture
by delivering real estate as a tool for the platform of work.
Copyright © 2024 BRAVE - All Rights Reserved.
BRAVE is a trade name of Brave Corporation Ltd.